May 2-7, 2023
VASI Hotel 5 Vlachava, Athens 105 51
A discussion between Μ. Heidegger and Tezuka Tomio on language.
Language in Japanese, as stated by M. Heidegger's guest, is referred to as «Koto-ba». «Koto» is the void, «ba» are the flower petals. In other words, the flower petals derive from a «void", from a barren and dry land that develops into a growing ground for cherries to blossom. As words sprout from the «void», they surround it, ostracize it, dominate it. The words now exist, although they have emerged from the «void». Man is not in the «void», but within the «symbolic» fabric of language, he is the language, the subject. We must consider the very depth of Japanese philosophy, as it reduces man himself - a species of communication and language, to a «void» against which he reacts to produce language. And, as so he becomes human, by his own means. The same viewpoint is expressed a few centuries later by J. Lacan, who states that man is nothing but the subject caught in, and tortured by the language he created, avoiding the «definite», the chaos, the dissolution from which, moreover, it has originated. The exhibition «koto-ba» perceives photography as a reaction against «nothing», the «void» to be defined as a point in the middle of «no-meaning», «point of nowhere». Japanese culture expresses the tragedy of life that is destined to be disciplined within the framework of a «void» of meaning and reason, that must be structured as Meaning and Reason. In the same way, photography expresses man's heroic effort to give meaning and reason to the unexplained aspects of life and time. Source: «The thing, the word and the world», Fotis Kaggelaris, Armos Publications.
Photographers: Eva Berler, Evgenia Efstathiou, Helen Mesadou, Mary Zografou, Vasia Zorbali.
Curated by: Helen Mesadou.
The exhibition «Koto ba» is part of the Open street fair «Local infection of the cosmopolitan» of the Athens Commercial Triangle. Contemporary artists from Greece and abroad present artwork in unexpected locations, together with selected musical events, performances and slam poetry, forming a modular tour of the Athenian Triangle.
Local infection of the cosmopolitan
Open street fair / Athens Trigono
Athens intersection
May 2-7 2023, Athens Commercial Triangle
Επιμέλεια: Georg Georgakopoulos
CHEAPART / APART / F.O.T.A. / Vasi Hotel / mosaikon Hotel
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