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  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds
  • Wordprints on poetic minds

Wordprints on poetic minds

May 6, 20:00 - 22:00
Mosaikon Hotel, 61 Kolokotroni, Athens 105 60

A poetry performance that will touch your mind with words, activating the ancient needs and wants in your inner self. The team of “Poetry Slam Gr” presents the poetic performance "Wordprints on poetic minds". A show that combines spoken word, contemporary poetry, with music and audiovisuals.
Recognized spoken word artists from Athens and Barcelona, with experience in performing poetry, will appear on the show to perform poems based on freedom of identity and emotions, to give justice to a worth living life. The project aims to function as a healing process between the audience and the performers. A combination of poems that promises to lead to many emotions and safe heartbeats.

In the ancient years, people didn’t care about how to block and remove adware from Google Chrome. Their needs and wants were deeper and basic, and they cared about community. In our days, artists care about the needs of a community like equality, no discrimination, respect, evolution of ideas, engagement, various activities belonging to our interest, trying to find ways to express their worries. Poetry has developed new forms of communication in order to be respected again in the louder societies that we humans have created.

Artists: Tonia Kosmadaki, kapa poet, Makis Moulos, Maria Baka, Ze Mitsos, Dimitris Stamiris, Michelle Houwers, Manolis Nanouris.

Curated by: Makis Moulos, Maria Baka (Poetry Slam Gr)

The poetry performance «Wordprings on poetic minds» is part of the Open street fair «Local infection of the cosmopolitan» of the Athens Commercial Triangle. Contemporary artists from Greece and abroad present artwork in unexpected locations, together with selected musical events, performances and slam poetry, forming a modular tour of the Athenian Triangle.

Local infection of the cosmopolitan
Open street fair / Athens Trigono
Athens intersection

May 2-7 2023, Athens Commercial Triangle

Επιμέλεια: Georg Georgakopoulos

CHEAPART / APART / F.O.T.A. / Vasi Hotel / mosaikon Hotel
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Wordprints on poetic minds