The exhibition "Flatland" unfolds between two axis. The first focuses on the invited artists, while the second centers on their works. Participating artists from the Czech Republic, Germany, Latvia, Slovenia and Greece, are connected through common coordinates, without necessarily knowing each other. Their works communicate through a code constituted by a system of points, connected by straight or curved lines, ultimately resulting in a variety of shapes. This is achieved through various mediums such as painting, photography, mixed techniques, and small-scale installations. With abstraction, geometry, and composition as common ground, they reflect interconnectedness and the complexity found in social interaction and collective experience and identity. The convergence of the artworks in this space aims to approach a geometry of human relationships as manifested through movements and encounters, as well as potential interactions among individuals in general.
The title of the exhibition is borrowed from Edwin A. Abbott's satirical novella Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, first published in 1884. The book, centered around mathematics, unfolds in a two-dimensional world called Flatland and remains a thought-provoking work that influences discussions on mathematics, philosophy, and social critique.
Artists: Ute Becker, Kaspars Brambergs, Mariana Jirátová and Antonín Jirát, Aleksandra Vajd, Athina Ioannou, Nikos Kachrimanis, Alexios Papazacharias, Tolis Tatolas, Alexis Akrithakis, Chloe Akrithaki.
«Flatland» curated by Chloe Akrithaki is realized in the context of Back to Athens 10: Geometry of racional.
Back to Athens 10 International Art Meeting | 2023: Geometry of racional is curated by:
Georg Georgakopoulos, Fotini Kapiris, Christian Rupp.
Organised by APART Art Research and Applications.
Support/ participation: Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports [Financial support & Auspices for «Glorious Elements/Plastic Kisses»], City of Athens [Auspices], Austrian Embassy in Athens, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport, ZOIA, Land Tirol, Czech Center of Athens, CHEAPART, ARTmART, Modular expansion, Participation: Athens Intersection Cultural Program.
Back to Athens 10 International Art Meeting | 2023: Geometry of racional
Isaiah Mansion
65 Patission & Ioulianou, Athens, 104 33
Opening: Tuesday, June 28, 2023, 16:00 - 22:00
Duration: June 28 – July 2, 2023
Hours: Wednesday– Friday 16:00 - 22:00, Saturday – Sunday 12:00 – 22:00