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  • The native language
  • The native language
  • The native language
  • The native language

The native language

The native language is a language that persists, and a language that is addressed, a language of the weak. The style of the work of art is an enclosure, in the infinity of its contemplation, in this gaze of the other. The work, this singular being, becomes apparent, becomes the place of his emotion, the place of ultimately his attraction. The own language, the language of the self, is thus subordinated to the scene of the other, to a scene that transcends it, but also constitutes it at the same time. "We are in the heart of openness", as Kristeva would say, in a privileged field of art. This is also the silence of the work, the most profound silence of the language, which draws the world beyond its signs, to this place of the impossible, which is also the place of its secret pleasure. The inside that becomes Outside, the Other that inhabits itself, this uniqueness of experience in the universe of similarities.

Artists: Dimitris Efeoglou, Dimitris Neveskiotis, Aliki Palaska, Yorgos Papafigos, Dimitris Fragakis.

«The native language» curated by Apostolis Artinos/ The Symptom Projects is realized in the context of Back to Athens 10: Geometry of racional.

Back to Athens 10 International Art Meeting | 2023: Geometry of racional is curated by:
Georg Georgakopoulos, Fotini Kapiris, Christian Rupp.

Organised by APART Art Research and Applications.
Support/ participation:
Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports [Financial support & Auspices for «Glorious Elements/Plastic Kisses»], City of Athens [Auspices], Austrian Embassy in Athens, Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport, ZOIA, Land Tirol, Czech Center of Athens, CHEAPART, ARTmART, Modular expansion, Participation: Athens Intersection Cultural Program.

Back to Athens 10 International Art Meeting | 2023: Geometry of racional
Isaiah Mansion

65 Patission & Ioulianou, Athens, 104 33

Opening: Tuesday, June 28, 2023, 16:00 - 22:00
Duration: June 28 – July 2, 2023
Hours: Wednesday– Friday 16:00 - 22:00, Saturday – Sunday 12:00 – 22:00