The audiovisual narratives project unfolds against the glass windows of the interior; within the dense interior setting. One stands in ambivalence before the conflicting views; the open and unobstructed external perspective of the area, as opposed to the confined, almost claustrophobic interior.
Electronic media, sounds and events intensify this contradiction. INFERNO, (inspired by the 1974 film «The Towering Inferno»), borrows from the movie’s plot. Individual stories emerge, unrelated in the beginning, eventually mix in a finale crescendo similar to the INFERNO project. Each corner tells a story, added to the next, ending in a separate musical event within the main space.
Artists and groups envision their space, the setup and duration of their event. Every day we are faced with different stories and interpretations. The street is a center of interaction, trade and exchange of ideas, an ideal canvas for this multifaceted project. The combination of Greek and international artists and the assemblage of their individual stories, provide the optimal tools for this prototype model production. For three days, artists, musicians and bands with their original compositions, create a field of action for networking and exchanging knowledge, ideas and views.
INFERNO & HAFENKNEIPE: Flávia Mudesto, Lars* Kollros, Leon Höllhumer, Johannes Rips, Maurício lanes, Andrea Contenta, Karolina Preuschl, Curated by: Johannes Rips, Nikos Giavropoulos, Elio Samara, Stratos Stergianos / Thekla Gaiti / George Gaudy.
Curated / coordinated by:
Georg Georgakopoulos, Johannes Rips
Lambros Lambropoulos, Fotini Kapiris
Supported by:
AKBILD, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport
Österreichische Hochschüler_innenschaft
Hufak, Hochschüler_innenschaft an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Weingut Bründlmayer
47 Evelpidon, Kypseli, 113 62, Athens
Friday, November 4 – Saturday November 5 – Sunday, November 6, 2022
18:00- 22:00